40. Recitative with Chorale – Soprano & Bass

The music for this movement of the oratorio is noticeably more cheerful than that written for no 38, and the strings have considerably move movement as the music alternates between arioso and secco recitative.

S Jesu, meine Freud und Wonne,  Jesu, my joy and pleasure,
B Wohlan, dein Name soll allein  Well, your name alone 
S meine Hoffnung, Schatz und Teil,  my hope, treasure and gift, 
B in meinem Herzen sein. shall be in my heart. 
S mein Erlösung Schmuck und Heil,  my redeemer, adornment and salvation,
B So, will ich dich entzücket nennen, So, I will call your name in delight,
S Hirt und König, Licht und Sonne. shepherd and king, light and sun.
B wenn Brust und Herz zu dir vor Liebe brennen. when breast and heart burn with love before you.
S ach! wie soll ich würdiglich,  Ah!  How shall I with due respect, 
B Doch Liebster, sage mir: But, most dear one, tell me:
S mein Herr Jesu, preisen dich? praise you, my Lord Jesus?
B Wie rühm ich dich, wie dank ich dir? How do I praise you, how do I thank you?


This aria is taken directly from Cantata 213, where it appears with different words under the title Auf meinen Flügeln sollst du schweben – On My Wings Shall you Fly. The tenor is accompanied by two solo violins, and with its passages of imitation and chains of suspensions between the two, the music is reminiscent of Bach’s double violin concerto written whilst in his previous position at Cöthen between 1717 and 1726.

Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben, 
mein Heiland, gib mir Kraft und Mut, 
daß es mein Herz recht eifrig tut!
Stärke mich, deine Gnade würdiglich 
und mit Danken zu erheben! (D.C.)
I will live only to honour you,
my saviour, give me strength and courage,
that will give life to my heart!
Give me strength to exalt your grace
with due respect and thanks. (D.C.)

42. CHORALE     Text: Johann von Rist, 1642

The melody, as well as the harmony, for this chorale, is by Bach. It is more usually known under the title Hilf, Herr Jesu, laß gelingen – Help, Lord Jesus, send good speed. Again the instrumentation of the opening chorus from this part is returned for the final movement creating more cyclic unity. As for numbers 9 and 23, Bach treats the chorale melody as a series of separate statements with interpolations of pairs of French horns and oboes in joyous mood.

Jesus richte mein Beginnen
Jesus bleibe stets bei mir,
Jesus zäume mir die Sinnen,
Jesus sei nur mein Begier,
Jesus sei mir in Gedanken,
Jesus lasse mich nicht wanken!
Jesus guide my beginning
Jesus remain with me always,
Jesus restrain my senses,
Jesus be my only desire,
Jesus be in my thoughts,
Jesus let me not waver!

Peter Parfitt